
Teresa Zumwald to faciliate WiBN Koffee Talk May 7

ENGLEWOOD, Ohio, April 9, 2010 – Teresa Zumwald will facilitate a Women in Business Networking (WiBN) Koffee Talk, “Get Smart and Write It Right! Top 20 Writing Gaffes and Goofs,” 8–9:30 a.m. May 7 at Dorothy Lane Market in Springboro.

Zumwald is a communications consultant and the owner and president of Zumwald & Company. She joined WiBN’s advisory board this year.

Here is a preview of Zumwald’s session:

The root of too many conflicts in business today lies in confusing or inaccurate communications. Inadvertent mistakes can damage your credibility, make you appear less professional and result in miscommunication – which often leads to trouble in the workplace.

In the speed of the moment, it’s easy to slip into bad habits if you don’t have a firm grasp on the trickiest elements of our language. It’s true: What you don’t know (or can’t remember!) may be hurting you at work.

So let’s dig in and talk about the top 20 writing gaffes and goofs that trip up many people in business today. What’s right? What’s wrong? And why?

This will be a fun, lighthearted and interactive session (not a dusty and dreaded grammar lesson!).

WiBN’s “Hot Topic” Koffee Talks offer a relaxed, intimate and comfortable way to meet women in business and exchange ideas during a roundtable discussion. Koffee Talks are not training sessions or “process” presentations; instead, the focus is on dialogue and sharing.

Koffee Talks are free. For more information, visit www.womeninbusinessnetworking.com.

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