
‘Win Them Over: How to Persuade and Influence People’ is topic of Zumwald’s Oct. 30 program

ENGLEWOOD, Ohio, Aug. 24, 2015 – Teresa Zumwald will present her program entitled “Win Them Over: How to Persuade and Influence People” during the Leading Ladies Luncheon Oct. 30 at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Dayton, 4100 W. Third St.

Zumwald is a speechwriter, speech coach and communications consultant, and the owner and president of Zumwald & Company, LLC.

The Leading Ladies Luncheon is a quarterly lunch-and-learn program for women employed at the medical center who want to improve their leadership skills. Past programs have covered topics such as communication, organization, time management and coaching.

Zumwald’s program will address these questions:

  • How do we make decisions?
  • What are the principles of influence?
  • What are the tools of persuasion?
  • What simple tricks can you use to get people to think – and then act – differently?

Zumwald said she uses the power of persuasion every day crafting speeches and strategic leadership, marketing and corporate communications for her B2B clients at Zumwald & Company. In every instance, her communications must inspire diverse audiences to take an action or make a change.

“Attendees at the Oct. 30 program will learn how to win people over every time they speak, write or present,” Zumwald said. ■

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