Be a better speaker: Don’t overload your audience
If you want to be a better speaker, don’t waste time crafting a set of remarks that takes 30 minutes to share when you only have a 15-minute speaking slot.
Be honest and ask yourself early on: Do I have too much information to share?
You did it!
You nailed a speaking opportunity at a national conference.
And you can’t wait to share everything you know that will help your audience know more, be more and do more.
You’re pumped!
So pumped – that you get up on a Saturday morning and begin pouring out your heart and soul onto the page.
A little brainstorming to get the ideas flowing.
You keep going.
And going.
There’s so much you want to say!
There’s so much your audience needs to hear!
After a couple of hours, you stop for a coffee break.
Then you come back and look over your draft.
You’re proud.
There’s a lot there!
But wait.
There’s A LOT there.
A WHOLE LOT of stuff on all those pages.
Suddenly you’re wondering:
Do I have too much information?
What do I do now?
This happened to a client of mine – an executive who was beyond excited about his chance to speak to an audience that ultimately might want to do business with his organization.
He had a draft in progress and wanted to be a better speaker.
So he asked me for help.
Could I make his draft sound better?
I looked at his paper and began reading.
Truth be told?
My eyes glazed over.
I was overwhelmed.
I stopped reading.
And put the paper down.
What happened next?
Find out!
Watch this video in our Be a Better Speaker FAQ series: “Don’t Overload Your Audience.”